Over population essay||overpopulation paragraph||Essay the population explosion

      Over Population



1. Population problem has become one of the serious problems of the world.

2. The population of the world is increasing at a rate which would double in only 40 years.

3. The number of bread-eaters in country exceeds the number of its bread-earners.

4. The main reason for the population increase is the difference between birth rate and death rate.

5. The real per capita income in Pakistan is very low which shows that the country is overpopulated.

6. There is shortage of various facilities like housing, clothing, education and transport.

7. In overpopulated countries like Pakistan, rate of savings is low.

8. Population control is the crying need of the hour.

9. Marriage below the age of 21 should be banned by law.

10. The literacy rate should be enhanced.

Population problem has become one of the serious problems of the world. The population of the world in the past was very much less than it is now. By the end of 1850 population was 1000 million. The population of the world is increasing at a rate which would double in only 40 years. In case of over population real per capita income of the country begins to fall.

The population explosion problem can be defined as the situation in which the number of bread-eaters in country exceeds the number of its bread-earners.

The word explosion of this economic term is aimed at comparing its horror as being equal to atomic bomb explosion which for the first time in the world took place in Hiroshima and killed almost 80,000 citizens on the spot. The population explosion is on the same pattern utterly.

The main reason for population increase is the difference between birth rate and death rate. Science has helped us to control death-rate. But at the same time, birth rate has not been checked. The reti per capita income in Pakistan is very low which shows that the country is overpopulated. In the over populated countries dependent age group is increasing and rate of development is very slow. Due to heavy pressure of population, people are unable to obtain balanced diet. Poor diet affects health and working capacity of the people: There is shortage of various facilities like housing, clothing, education and transport.

In overpopulated countries like Pakistan, rate of savings is very low. Due to low rate of saving, rate of investment and employment is also low. The literacy rate in Pakistan is only 26%. We can say that population growth is the main obstacle in the way of economic development.

Population control is the crying need of the hour. We should take two steps at the same time. We should increase production, we should reduce the birth rate. In industry we should try to increase production by better management and planning, Family planning should be popularized to discourage the birth rate and to reduce the population To control excessive growth of population, we should follow certain measures:

Marriage below the age of 21 should be banned by law. Public works programmes like construction of roads, dams, canals, railway lines, bridges etc. should be started on a large scale so that the innumerable jobless persons may get employment and may no longer remain parasites on the limited resources. The literacy rate should be enhanced.
